Darlington High School Homecoming 2020

HOMECOMING QUEEN — Shaniya Jackson is the daughter of Christina Jackson and Jesse Reynes. She plans to major in Biology and chemistry at Greensboro College. Shaniya is a part of the National Honor Society and Beta Club. PHOTO BY DRAKE HORTON

1ST RUNNER UP — Taylor McKever is the daughter of Nina and Anthony Heilbronn. She plans to major in Nursing at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. Taylor is the captain of the Varsity Cheerleading team, a member of the National Honor Society and Anchor Club. PHOTO BY DRAKE HORTON

2ND RUNNER UP — Ella Watford is the daugher of Leigh Anne Kelley and Matt Watford. Ella plans to attend Clemson University to major in Marketing. She is a part of the National Honor Society, Anchor Club, Key Club, Beta Club, and several other clubs. PHOTO BY DRAKE HORTON

Author: Stephan Drew

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