Darlington County School District releases LEAP week schedule for its K-8 students

Darlington County School District has announced the LEAP week (Sept. 8-14) schedule for students in grades kindergarten through eighth. All K-8 students, whether registered for face-to-face instruction or the Darlington County Virtual Academy (DCVA), will need to attend one LEAP day.
Earlier this year, state legislators mandated that districts implement five “LEAP” days (Learn, Evaluate, Analyze and Prepare) for students in grades K-8 to help prepare their return to school, including taking necessary assessments and to pick up technology devices.
The Darlington County Board of Education voted at that time to hold LEAP days on Sept. 8-14 for students in grades K-8.
Students in grades 9-12 do not have LEAP days and will begin school on Sept. 8, whether in eLearning or in the DCVA.
Students in grades K-8 (both face-to-face and DCVA) will attend their home school on their assigned LEAP Day. The schools will be reaching out this week to the students to tell them their assigned LEAP day. Students should only attend school on their assigned LEAP day.
Students registered for face-to-face instruction will attend their school for the entire day. Those students will pick up their technology devices and take assessments on the LEAP day they attend.
Sept. 8 and 9 will be reserved for the Darlington County Virtual Academy students only. Half the students will go on one day and half the students will attend on the other. Schools will offer a drive-through program for parents to pick up textbooks and technology. Students will take assessments online at a later date.
Sept. 10 and 11 will be reserved for students in the traditional face-to-face schools. Half the students will go on one day and half the students will attend on the other. Buses will run on the normal schedule. Students will be at the school all day to receive their technology, review eLearning protocols, and take part in state-mandated assessments. Meals will be served.
Sept. 14 is reserved for students who were unable to come on their original assigned day. eLearning and Virtual classes will begin for students in grades K-8 on Tuesday, Sept. 15.
All schools will follow the face-to-face bell schedules during LEAP week:
· Elementary schools – 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
· Middle schools – 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
· High schools – 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Author: Stephan Drew

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