Darlington City Manager disburses SCGA grants

On Monday, April 24th, City of Darlington Manager John Payne disbursed $50,000 in checks to local organizations as part of the money which was given to the City by the S.C. General Appropriations (SCGA) Bill. The original amount given was $300,000, of which $250,000 was earmarked to go toward the cost of the new Splash Pad planned for the city. The remaining $50,000 was disbursed to these worthy organizations for all of their help in improving the lives of Darlington citizens and the surrounding communities. These state-appropriated funds were secured by Senator Gerald Malloy (SC Dist. 29) and Representative Robert Williams (District 62). Senator Malloy praised Rep. Williams for all of his hard work to secure the funds for Darlington. “He was the boots on the ground,” Malloy said, “he worked really hard.” The supporters and nonprofit recipients of these funds received their funds in front of Darlington City Hall. Congratulations to Crazy Hope Community Center, Mayo Alumni Foundation, Veterans park, Families Engagement, West End Heritage Park, Terrence Carraway Memorial Park, and the Grand Old Post Office Foundation. PICTURED HERE (left to right): Allison Carraway, Lonnie Eldridge, Stan Thompson, Brendan Johnson, George Smith, Dr. Arlene Wallace, Darlington City Councilwoman Sheila Baccus, Senator Gerald Malloy, Rep. Robert Williams, Jane Crosby, Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd, Gloria Hines, Mark Face, Peggy Sheffield, Tom Rhodes, Dennis Jenkins, and Darlington City Manager John Payne. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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