Darlington American Legion Post 13

The Darlington American Legion Post 13 honored several of its members recently with a Governor's Proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. Those pictured are from left to right: Al Bescher, Johnny Odom, Henry King, Jimmy Chandler, Carroll Boswell, Ray Bescher. These Post 13 comrades served "In Country" and "On-the-Ground" during their deployment in Vietnam.

The Darlington American Legion Post 13 honored several of its members recently with a Governor’s Proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. Those pictured are from left to right: Al Bescher, Johnny Odom, Henry King, Jimmy Chandler, Carroll Boswell, Ray Bescher. These Post 13 comrades served “In Country” and “On-the-Ground” during their deployment in Vietnam.

Cyndie Geries, retired Darlington County Educator, recently spoke to the Darlington American Legion Post 13. Geries’ message on Kids Count was part of the Legion's focus on Child and Youth Welfare. Photos contributed.

Cyndie Geries, retired Darlington County Educator, recently spoke to the Darlington American Legion Post 13. Geries’ message on Kids Count was part of the Legion’s focus on Child and Youth Welfare.
Photos contributed.

Author: Jana Pye

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