Community Connections feeds nearly 1,700 people

LaTasha Goodson, Kit Hudson, Lindsey Byrd and Rebecca Hudson prepare plates to serve the public. SUBMITTED PHOTO

(Above): Andrea Johnson, Margie Goodson, Kit Hudson, LaTasha Goodson, Rebecca Hudson, Lindsey Byrd, Kyndall Byrd serve those in attendance. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Margie Goodson and Carl Goodson prepare plates to distribute. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Mark Face, Dawn Face, Barrett Face, Garrett Mosley, Gina Inman, Margie Goodson, Carl Goodson, Chanel Muldrow, Kit Hudson, LaTasha Goodson, Lindsey Byrd, Kyndall Byrd, Angie Lowe, Terra Gregg, Rebecca Hudson, Andrea Johnson. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Community Connections of Darlington is a group of organizations and churches united together bringing harmony of ALL citizens through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Community Connections of Darlington has distributed 1,695 meals, 200 book bags filled with school supplies, supplied comforters and clothing, and held community events for children.

Author: Stephan Drew

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