Coker offers local students ‘at least’ 50 percent off on tuition

Coker University has launched its Coker Within Reach initiative, guaranteeing at least 50 percent off tuition for high school seniors from Darlington County or neighboring counties.
Residents from Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Kershaw, Lee and Marlboro counties with at least a 3.0 GPA applying accepted as a first-time, full-time freshman residential or commuter student for fall 2020 are guaranteed at least half off their tuition through combinations of merit, need-based and other awards.
Residents of other South Carolina counties are also eligible for comparable awards.
“We want our regional students to know that a private college education at Coker University is well within reach financially,” says Coker University Executive Vice President Tracy Parkinson. “Coker has a long history of serving students from surrounding areas and it’s still an important part of our mission. Coker’s net price after aid is often very competitive, and we want to students from our home region to know that.”
Coker Within Reach students can keep their financial aid award all four years at Coker as long as they remain in good academic standing and fill out their FAFSA and necessary financial aid paperwork each year.
In many cases, after Coker scholarships and need-based aid are applied, regional first-year students receive enough scholarship funding to cover substantially more than 50 percent of tuition, often covering most or all of their tuition expenses.
For more about Coker Within Reach, visit

Author: Stephan Drew

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