My father’s failed quest
Dad had a saying. “I won’t let it whip me.” He prevailed over stubborn bolts, obstinate lawn mowers, welding projects, and just about anything that crossed his path, except one small, elusive critter.
A favorite place
Each spring I write of three places, three beautiful places where colonies of rocky shoals spider lilies bloom.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: St. Matthews mission travels to West Virginia
To all of the Son Servants veterans, Panther, WV has come to feel like home.
Making the sea bountiful
Early 1980s, it was. We put out to sink a ship. Waves tossed us about as we headed seaward to document the sinking of a Liberty ship.
What it means when a church dies
Some linger in woods. Some stand, for now, at the end or side of a dirt road. Some hide behind other buildings, and some haunt the edge of hamlets and villages.
What it means when a church dies
Some linger in woods. Some stand, for now, at the end or side of a dirt road.