Dear Editor,
From 1994 to 2004 assault weapons were banned in the U.S., but the Republican controlled congress repealed the law and every day we see the results of that mistake – more mass killings.
No private citizen needs a gun that fires 500 to 600 rounds per minute. We are not at war with each other. And if a hunter says that they need that type of weapon to hunt deer or ducks, then he doesn’t need that type of gun, he needs a guide dog, because he’s blind!
Of course you hear the same old BS from both the NRA and the gun manufacturers: “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” That’s the stupidest thing anyone can say about guns! Tell that to the murdered school kids, church or synagogue members, folks shopping at malls; they would disagree with you. To be correct it should read, “Guns don’t kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people!”
And now we’re being fed the line that “its not the guns, it’s a mental health problem.” It is impossible to look at someone and say, “Bubba’s got a mental health problem.” So since we can’t do that, then you remove the cause of mass deaths, the assault weapons. With all of these mass deaths, it’s past time to ban assault weapons. Gun owners will still have their pistols, rifles, and shot guns just like they always have.
Francis Parnell
Darlington, SC