Carolina Pines donates defibrillators to schools

Hartsville High officials accept defibrillators. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Lamar High receives its defibrillator. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Darlington High accepts its defibrillator. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center granted life-saving Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to seven local schools from funds raised by their Second Annual Jumpstart Your Heart 5K held in 2020. The AEDs will be used, if needed, during sporting events and practices. The portable devices, which are used to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm, can save the life of a student athlete, coach or spectator who collapses during practice or a game due to a heart rhythm disorder that causes sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The AEDs were delivered on April 19 at each of the schools and members of the Carolina Pines Jumpstart Your Heart 5K committee were present to donate each of the devices and provide training on the proper use of an AED. Certification Coordinator, Ashley Johnson, also provided education on recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke, early heart attack care, and hands only CPR. The idea for the AED donation to local schools stemmed from Carolina Pines’ mission, Making Communities Healthier. “The purpose of hosting our annual 5K each year is to be able to give back to our community and to keep our citizens as healthy as possible. This year we decided to use our proceeds to give back to our local schools and athletes,” says Brendan Burns, Jumpstart Your Heart 5K Race Director. “Providing the proper equipment and tools that keep student athletes safe is critical to their development and well-being.” According to the American Heart Association, SCA is a major cause of death in the United States, contributing to more than 300,000 deaths annually and accounting for about 50 percent of all cardiovascular deaths. These deaths often occur during rigorous physical activity, such as at sporting events. A key to fighting SCA is defibrillation (use of an AED) within a very short period from the onset of SCA. The following schools received the donated AEDs: • Cheraw High School • Chesterfield High School • Darlington High School • Hartsville High School • Hartsville Middle School • Lamar High School • McBee High School