Carolina Pines Auxiliary members attend SCAHA Conference

CPRMC Auxiliary Members Attend SCAHA Conference
As shown in photo left to right: Dianne Ingram (Auxiliary President), Pat James (Volunteer Coordinator), and auxiliary volunteers Richard Bryant, Johnnie Woods, and Bob Haarlow.
Several representatives of the Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center Auxiliary attended the South Carolina Association of Hospital Auxiliaries 2017 Conference in Columbia on October 17. SCAHA is a private, not-for-profit organization made up of some 100 member hospitals and health systems and about 900 personal members associated with our institutional members. The South Carolina Hospital Association was created in 1921 to serve as the collective voice of the state’s hospital community.
SCHA’s mission is to support its member hospitals in creating a world-class health care delivery system for the people of South Carolina by fostering high quality patient care and serving as effective advocates for the hospital community.
Members of Carolina Pines Auxiliary volunteer their time and talents to the hospital to help support our high standards of patient care by comforting patients and family and performing tasks that help lighten the load of professional staff members.
Some of their services include:
• Gift Shop Operation & Management
• Reception Desk Staffing
• Goodie Cart to Patient Areas
• Magazine & Newspaper Cart
• Emergency Department Guest Relations
• Medical Office Building Reception Desk Staffing
• Cardiac Rehabilitation Assistance
If you would like to learn more about the Carolina Pines Auxiliary contact Pat James, Volunteer Coordinator, at: 843-878-1019 or email: You may also pick up a volunteer application at the hospital gift shop.