Brown named DPW Woman of the Year

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer,

Darlington Professional Women honored Ronda Duke Brown as “Woman of the Year Award” during a luncheon held Wednesday, April 18 at the Darlington Country Club.

Since moving to Darlington just over five years ago, Brown has involved herself in numerous revitalization and beautification efforts. She’s worked with the Darlington Garden Club to enhance the entrances to the city, beaten the bushes to drum up donors for potted plants, ceramic pots and benches which now grace the Public Square, and she now serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce.

“Rhonda is always working to promote our little town, to make it better, nicer, prettier, and to increase business to this area,” said DPW president Amanda Boykin, while presenting the award.

“Hands down one of the best things to happen to Darlington in the last five years is Ronda moving to town. She has picked up and ran with project after project to enhance our city. She has stepped into numerous roles, including the City Planning Commission, President of the Garden Club, member of the Beautification and Tree Boards, and board member for the Chamber. She researches new opportunities for the City, brings ideas, and will do the legwork to make it happen,” said Boykin. “Beyond her professional and City involvement, she is a great friend. She will never turn away someone in need if she can help, no matter how big the favor.”

Brown said that when she first moved to town, she regularly saw news articles about local volunteers working in the community and decided that “this was my time to give back, for all the women who’ve given their time before me.”

She said she was surprised to be singled out for recognition, and observed that all her fellow DPW members meet such great challenges in their daily family and work lives – raising children, working in fields ranging from education to finance to health care – that each of them is deserving of an award.

“Everybody here is a Woman of the Year,” said Brown. “But this is a great honor and I really do appreciate it.”


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