Back To School Bash held on Public Square

The Third Annual Back-To-School Bash took place on Saturday, July 22, 2023, at the Public Square in Darlington
Hosted by Purpose to Live Ministry and Darlington Cares, the event was sponsored by Genesis Healthcare, Welvista and includes many other organizations around the community. The Darlington County Sheriff’s Office and many others came together and donated their time and materials to make this a huge success.
Other sponsors & contributors to this great event were: SC Dist. 54 Rep. Patricia Moore Henegan, Molina Healthcare, Outreach Ministries, CareSouth Carolina, Flat Creek Baptist Church, Humana Healthy Horizons, Purpose to Live Ministries, Healthy Connections Maternity Health & Resources, Chianti’s Wings & Things, Harvest Hope, Round O Baptist Church, the City of Darlington, Green Leaf Cafe, New Providence Missionary Baptist Church, The Gathering, and the Darlington County Sheriff’s Department. We thank all of these wonderful organizations for contributing so much to the community for this event.
The event brought many together who gave out over 750 bookbags, fully packed with school supplies. There were also health screenings and Covid testing, as well as food and drinks. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

The organizations were stationed around 2 sides of the Public Square for the Third Annual Back to School Bash on Saturday, July 22, 2023. A huge crowd lined the sidewalk from the square all the way down Cashua Street long before the event started at 10am. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

During the Third Annual Back to School Bash on the Public Square, there was also a great deal of food. Inside Purpose to Live Ministry, they were giving away containers of food which was gathered from Harvest Hope Food Bank, through a dedicated and coordinated effort by Darlington City Councilman Howard Nettles, member of the Harvest Hope Advisory Board. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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