August, GOP nominee for sheriff, named Society Hill police chief

New Society Hill Police Chief Michael August. FILE PHOTO
By Bobby Bryant, Editor
Michael August, the Republican nominee for Darlington County sheriff in November’s elections, has been named police chief for the town of Society Hill. Society Hill Mayor Tommy Bradshaw said David Young, the town’s police chief for the past four years, resigned to take a job at the Sheriff’s Office under Sheriff-elect James Hudson, who takes office in a few weeks. At about the same time, Bradshaw said, the town’s part-time police officer, DeWayne Gillespie, resigned to work for the Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office. After a discussion in executive session during Town Council’s Dec. 8 meeting, Bradshaw said, council offered the chief’s job to August, a Society Hill resident who was already working part-time for the town’s police agency. Last month, August lost the sheriff’s race to Democratic nominee Hudson. August began his tenure as chief just as Young’s resignation took effect last week, the mayor said. “We lost a police chief; we gained a police chief. … It’s just a lining up of the stars.” Bradshaw complimented Young for the “exceptional job” he did as Society Hill’s chief, and said he was confident that August will also perform well in the post. “I think he’ll make a very good police chief,” the mayor said. “He wants to help the town.” For the present, August “will be by himself,” with no part-time help, Bradshaw said. He said the town will be looking for part-time officers to assist August. The chief’s job is the only full-time position in the town’s police department. August has said he has worked in law enforcement for more than 25 years, including a long career with the Darlington Police Department and a job with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.