61th Annual Men’s Dance Club of Darlington Winter Debutante Ball
Three young ladies were presented at the 61st Annual Men’s Dance Club Winter Debutante Ball, on Saturday, December 16, 2017, at the Darlington Country Club. The club president, Mr. George Wightman Whitaker III, and Mrs. Whitaker greeted members and guests. Debutantes introduced in the receiving line by their fathers, were Miss Kinsley Glenn Chesnut, Miss Laurel Ann Dennis, and Miss Bryant Sidney Flowers.
Miss Chestnut, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Glen Chestnut of Darlington, is a freshman at the University of South Carolina. She was presented by her father, Mr. Willie Glen Chestnut and escorted by Airman First Class, Nathanael Isaac Powers, United States Air Force. Miss Chesnut is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alston LeRoy Campbell of Darlington and Mrs. Agnes Johnson Chestnut and the late Mr. Marvin Benjamin Chestnut of Galivants Ferry.
Miss Dennis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colgate Dennis IV of Darlington, and a freshman at the University of South Carolina. She was presented by her father, Mr. Edward Colgate Dennis IV, and escorted by Mr. William Christopher Moore of Darlington, a freshman at Clemson University. Miss Dennis is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Stout McCall, Jr. of Society Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colgate Dennis III of Darlington.
Miss Flowers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brian Flowers of Darlington, and a freshman at Anderson University. She was presented by her father, Mr. Christopher Brian Flowers, and escorted by Mr. Joshua Max Ward of Darlington. Miss Flowers is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Digby Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Henry David Taylor, and the late Mr. Rivers Furman Flowers, all of Darlington.
Following the formal presentation of the debutantes and the Debutante Figure, members and their guests enjoyed a seated dinner and dance.