Darlington Pilot Club installs new officers
“Do More. Care More. Be More. In Darlington” is the theme of the 2017-2018 year for the Pilot Club of Darlington. Judy Langley was recently installed to serve as President. Other officers are: President Elect Melissa Schwier, Recording Secretary Ginger Ridgill, Treasurer Frances Kelly, Corresponding Secretary Oleene Gettys, and Directors Martha Griggs, Belinda Copeland and Nancy Lee.
President Judy Langley also presented the Pilot of the Year Award to Janice Flowers.
The Club meets at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Wilds-Edwards House. There will be no meeting in July as representatives will be attending the Pilot International Convention and Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Pilot International’s mission is to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this, we come together in friendship and give people an outlet for service. We focus on Encouraging Brain Safety and Health, Preparing Youth for Service, and Supporting Those Who Care for Others.
This year the Pilot Club of Darlington members will be utilizing new BrainMinders resources to teach children, youth, and seniors about brain safety and fitness. Pilots will provide “Pick Me Ups” for caregivers within the community throughout the year. The Club will continue to sponsor the Darlington Anchor Club, a youth organization that encourages growth in leadership skills while providing service projects within the community.
The Pilot Club of Darlington is actively seeking new members who want to serve their community in a meaningful way. If you are interested in learning more about the Pilot Club of Darlington, please visit their website at www.pilotclubofdarlington.org, their Facebook page, or contact any Pilot Club member or President Judy Langley at 843-617-0689.