Willis speaks at Women’s History luncheon
By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer, slyles@newsandpress.net
The Democratic Women’s Council of Darlington County held their inaugural Women’s History Month luncheon on Saturday, March 10 at the Hartsville Country Club, and welcomed attorney and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Marguerite Willis as guest speaker.
Willis focused her stories and comments around a common theme: the importance of equal pay and financial independence for women. She shared some of her own hard-learned lessons regarding money management, and spoke about being financially exploited early in her career by someone she trusted. Willis stressed that it is crucial for women to be paid commensurate with their male counterparts so they can take care of themselves and their children, and retain the freedom to leave bad relationships.
Presiding over the luncheon, Davita Malloy presented several awards to local women who have worked for the betterment of our community through public service and activism. These women each received a special plaque honoring them as a “Trailblazing Woman.”
Guests enjoyed a buffet lunch, and were treated to musical selections performed by vocalist Anisha Green.