Trinity UMC welcomes renowned Christian comedian, Aug. 10

If laughter is truly the best medicine, then Dennis Swanberg, America’s “Minister of Encouragement” is just what the doctor ordered – and Trinity United Methodist Church of Darlington will host Swanberg and his unique brand of comedy at a free concert on August 10.

With his down-home charm and heaping helping of hospitality, this Austin, Texas born pastor-turned-comedian has won the hearts of audiences across the country. Raised in what he calls a “mostly blue-collar, butsometimesring-around-the collar” family during the fifties, that old black and white television in the corner of the living room became an important part of making Swanberg the success he is today.

“Most moms yell at kids to go outside and play,” says Swanberg, “My mom would say, ‘you sit there and watch that television – your daddy worked so hard for it!’”

Her encouragement paid off. One of the first voices the future impersonator nailed as a child was his television hero, Barney Fife, from “The Andy Griffith Show.” Today Swanberg takes Barney Fife and over twenty other lovable impersonations, together with his side-splitting stories of growing up, families, and the funny side of church, to over 250,000 people every year. His audiences range from churches looking for fresh and new inspiration, to marriage enrichment seminars, city-wide concerts, business related events and corporate gatherings.

His national broadcast television shows, “Swan’s Place” and “The Dennis Swanberg Show”, are described by the networks as “an hour of good, clean fun and entertainment as well as spiritual insight and encouragement” and are viewed by over one million households weekly.

This year Swanberg will appear at over 150 churches, conferences, businesses and concert events while his popular TBN and FamNet television shows continue to be aired weekly. He has also authored seven books and an additional book on men’s ministry is scheduled to hit the marketplace during the upcoming year.

And as always, he’ll be bringing a note of encouragement, a pocketful of hilarious stories and a great big bag of joy and laughter wherever he goes.

“I try to bring people laughter, but my advice to them is always that joy is a choice. Happiness is dependent upon what happens in your life, but joy is a choice you can make every single day,” says Swanberg. “It takes an act of your will…even if you don’t feel joyful at the moment. And it takes dying to yourself and coming alive in the lives of others around you. I want to motivate my audiences to have courage, to be strong, to look for the moments in life that make them realize they are an important part of this world. Do your best to go out there risking. We live in a world where you can afford to fail and try again. I want people to realize that this is a great life to enjoy. And the one way you can enjoy life is by helping other people enjoy it too.”

Dennis Swanberg will appear live at Trinity UMC of Darlington on August 10 at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Trinity UMC is located at 126 Pearl Street in Darlington.

Author: mrollins

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