Tony Chavis announces candidacy for Darlington County Sheriff

web Tony Chavis

Tony Chavis, a longtime resident of Darlington County with 28 years of law enforcement experience, has announced his candidacy for Sheriff in 2016.

Chavis, who recently retired as a Lieutenant and Executive Officer over Post A and B of the South Carolina Highway Patrol, will run in the Democratic Primary that will be held on June 14, 2016. The position of Darlington County Sheriff is currently held by Wayne Byrd, who was first elected to office in 2008.

“I am running because Darlington County deserves a Sheriff who will work to create safer communities, build stronger ties with residents and lay the foundation for a brighter future,” said Chavis. “I have dedicated my life to law enforcement and community policing. I’m ready to take that experience with me to the Sheriff’s Office and put ALL residents of Darlington County first.”

Among his priorities, Chavis said he will work to improve public safety, widen the office’s outreach to all communities of Darlington County, upgrade technology and equipment, and manage tax dollars and resources wisely.

Chavis started his career in law enforcement in 1988 as a deputy with Chesterfield County. In 1989, he joined the Highway Patrol when he was assigned to Horry County. In 1991, he was transferred to Darlington County after returning from military service in Operation Desert Storm. With the Highway Patrol, he has been promoted to the leadership positions of corporal (2000), sergeant (2003), first sergeant and post commander (2007), and lieutenant and executive officer (2012).

Chavis lives in Hartsville with Denise, his wife of 22 years. They have raised three children together and just recently welcomed the arrival of their first grandchild, Julian, on Feb. 5.

Author: Jana Pye

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