The Lord Cares celebrates 26th Anniversary
By Jana E. Pye, Editor,
The Lord Cares ministry honored their volunteers at their 26th Anniversary Dinner on Thursday, May 14 in a program led by Rev. Kevin Cauley, Pastor of Darlington Presbyterian Church, President of the Board for The Lord Cares at the church’s fellowship hall.
“To thank you and show our appreciation for all you do to help us serve our community better, we could not do this ministry without you,” said Pastor Cauley. “It is a true joy to serve with The Lord Cares. I’ve served with several organizations that feed those who have needs, and one thing that I cherish about The Lord Cares is we care about feeding people not only physically, but also spiritually. We take very seriously when Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” and he responded, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you. “Then feed my sheep. Feed my sheep. Feed my sheep.” And I believe that’s both physically and spiritually what we are called to do. And I am just very thankful that this ministry is here. If you are not the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, we couldn’t tend to the sheep and feed the sheep. So thank you all very much.”

Libba King honored for years of volunteering at The Lord Cares by Pastor Kevin Cauley.
Photo by Jana E. Pye
In attendance were representatives of groups thanked for their generous support of the ministry through the years:
Byard Stone, representing Darlingon Rotary Club; Mike Beckam, representing Darlington Lion’s Club; and the Darlington Kiwanis Club were thanked for their generous contributions throughout the year.
Ed O’Neal and Alex Allen, representing the Darlington Chapter of United Letter Carriers, who just collected their largest amount of donated food during their Stamp Out Hunger annual food drive. In 2014, they collected 9,000 lbs of food; this spring, they collected 11, 409 lbs of food, their largest donation ever.
“I know this past weekend as they were bringing it in, that adds a lot to those carrier’s day to collect that food.” said Cauley. “And we appreciate the joy and the passion with which they support and love by which they do it.”
Boy Scout Zack Cunningham was recognized for his service project of putting the information from index cards into the computer for volunteers to pull up information easily.
CVS, Darlington Store, was unable to send a representative but were thanked for their generous contributions of items for The Lord Cares, including bags of candy which are greatly appreciated by the little children while they wait for their family to complete an intake evaluation.
Family Dollar, two locations in Darlington (next to Food Lion, and next to BiLo): Family Dollar was unable to send a contribution, but were lauded for their outstanding acts of generousity to The Lord Cares. Volunteer Mike Beckham said, “We are fortunate that we have businesses in this community that step up to the plate when called upon, and help out The Lord Cares. Manager Rebecca Shortwell (BiLo location) and Myra Anderson (Food Lion location) have both been outstanding in their gifts to TLC.”
Darlington Raceway: also unable to attend the dinner, were thanked for their huge gifts by their donations from their charity Darlington Shares, food drives from Jeff Gordon and his AARP Drive for Hunger and $5,000 donation from AARP, and food drive collections from the Speed and Feed BBQ and Blood Drives.
Retirees were honored with special plaques.
Suzanne Muldrow: volunteer since 2001; Nyla Hood, volunteer since 2000; Sarah Jackson McCrae, volunteer since 1997; Rose Jacobs Webster, volunteer for “so many years”; Lou Ellen Hart, volunteer since 1990, was not present, but her plaque will be presented to her; and Libba King, volunteer since 1989.
“It is you the volunteers that help us do what we do without you we couldn’t have the impact on the community we do,” said Pastor Cauley. “It is a lot easier to serve on a board when you have paid staff that is taking care of things. This is 100 % volunteer, and that is really remarkable. We are totally supported by the community whether you as volunteers, the churches, the businesses it’s a great privilege to say thank you to the way you serve our Lord Jesus Christ and make His love known.”
The Lord Cares was formed to have a central location for residents of Darlington, Lamar and Society Hill to receive help with food, assistance with utility bills, and other needs at a central location rather than going to church to church. The ministry is 100% volunteer, with no paid staff, and operates entirely upon donations community members and businesses. It does not receive any state or federal funding, and does not receive food nor funds from local food bank Harvest Hope.
To donate to TLC, send contributions to: The Lord Cares, 201 Grove Street, Darlington, SC 29532. Their telephone number is: 843-395-1001.
Mobile users, please click the photo gallery to see more images from the event: The Lord Cares 26th Anniversary