Stephens-Black Engagement

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stephens of Darlington are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Elizabeth Stephens, to Timothy Burnette Black, son of Mr. Burnette Black and the late Mrs. Shirley Black of Barnwell, South Carolina.

The bride-elect is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wade Flowers of Darlington and the late Mr. and Mrs. Marley Stephens of Lumberton, North Carolina. She is a graduate of James F. Byrnes Academy as well as the University of South Carolina and is employed by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division in Columbia as a Forensic Technician.

The groom-elect is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Black of Barnwell and the late Mr. and Mrs. Lyde Still of Barnwell. He is a graduate of Blackville-Hilda High School and is employed by Nucor Building Systems in Swansea as a Maintenance Group Leader.

The wedding is planned for December 16th, 2017 at Hilda First Baptist Church in Hilda, South Carolina.

Author: mrollins

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