Spears prints second edition of “Unsolved”

By Jana E. Pye, Editor, editor@newsandpress.net

The riveting book by local author M.B. Spears, “Unsolved” about the murder of local attorney James U. “Red” Watts, Jr. has been read by many community members, many of whom recognize the names of Darlington residents.

Author Spears has recently updated the book and published a second edition.

Unsolved Beverley Spears copy

“At readings in April for the quarterly meeting of the Darlington County Historical Society (Brian Gandy, President) in Lydia SC and for the South Carolina Genealogical Society’s Old Darlington District Chapter (Lynn Lee, President) in Hartsville’s Old Passenger Depot, more of my contemporaries and others re-entered the past with me and the people in the pages of our book.” said Spears. “This Second Edition profits from their attention.”

The book covers the time up until the murder, the investigation and court trial surrounding the mysterious murder.
Comments from readers include, “Could not put it down!” to recollections of people named in the book.

Unsolved book front copy

Spears is a former professor at Francis Marion, and the author of two previous books, “County: Memory is my Name” and “Mineral Springs 1940s : Memory is My Name”. She grew up in Darlington, and maintains a home in Ireland as well as South Carolina.

Copies are $20 and available at amazon.com and locally at the News and Press office on 117 South Main Street, Darlington.

Click link to read the first story on her book: Unsolved: New book sheds light on a mysterious Darlington murder

Author: Jana Pye

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