South Carolina African American Heritage Foundation receives grant

The South Carolina African American Heritage Foundation has been awarded funding from South Carolina Humanities to support its project, “MLK50: Where Do We Go From Here?” commemorating 50 years since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The goal of this project is to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday by exploring civil rights activities since the death of Dr. King fifty years ago and what can or should be next steps. The SCAAHF will conduct oral interviews of citizens who lived in Darlington County during the sixties and seventies on January 14 from 3 – 6 p.m.

On Monday, People to People of Hartsville will hold a commemoration service at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Hartsville. Following the commemoration service lunch will be served and participants will be able to discuss civil rights activities that occurred during the sixties and seventies and give ideas on what next steps should or could be taken to continue the work begun by Dr. King. Anyone interested in participating in the oral history project is encouraged to contact Jannie Harriot, executive director at 843-332-3589.

Author: mrollins

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