SCSBIT awards DCSD risk control award

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Darlington County School District earned the Excellence in Risk Control Award from the South Carolina School Boards Insurance Trust (SCSBIT). The award, which recognizes a member school district that focus on reducing workplace health and safety risks, was presented during the SCSBIT Risky Business Seminar October 25-27 in Myrtle Beach.

SCSBIT annually selects recipients from among its 60-plus member school districts that implement effective prevention and safety programs that are aimed at lowering the number of worker accidents and absences.

“Darlington County School District continually makes the safety of students and staff in the district a priority. It is an honor to recognize their effective risk management practices,” said SCSBIT’s Risk Control Manager Tim Hinson.

School districts across the state received 2016-2017 Workers’ Compensation Risk Control Grants totaling $1,047,629 from the South Carolina School Boards Insurance Trust’s grant program. Fifty-eight public school districts participated in the grant program this year.

SCSBIT’s non-competitive grants program provides funding for the one-time purchase of a product or service that supports a member district’s risk management objectives. The products or services must help reduce risk and the frequency or severity of losses. The amount of funding awarded to member districts is based on their workers’ compensation premium. Enhancements to the grants are also available for the next school year for meeting certain criteria, including holding district and school-level safety committee meetings, participating in walk-through safety audits and attending SCSBIT’s annual Risky Business Seminar.

Author: mrollins

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