SC AgriBiz & Farm Expo

The 6th annual SC AgriBiz & Farm Expo will be held January 17-18 at the newly remodeled Florence Civic Center. At this exceptional event, SC AgriBiz brings together the best in Agriculture—Education, Connecting and Innovation—all rooted in tradition and thriving through innovation.

The Expo begins at 8a.m. on Wednesday with a Farmer Appreciation Breakfast, followed by keynote speaker Boone Peeler, newly appointed USDA, FSA Executive Director. The day is filled with educational programming, visiting exhibitors and connecting with leading agriculturalist. Programming is available for field crop farmers, fruit and vegetable producers and women in ag. Dr. Nate Smith, a national renounced Clemson Economist and his team will feature the “Ag Outlook and Marketing Session”. The day concludes with the “Taste of SC”, beginning at 6:15 p.m., an outstanding southern culture experience to tasting the finest foods produced in SC.

The SC Commissioner of Ag Breakfast kicks off at 8a.m. on Thursday with another opportunity to learn more about SC agriculture and the 2018 ag outlook. Keynote speaker, Mary Kay Thatcher with the American Farm Bureau, will bring an update from Washington, DC on the forthcoming Farm Bill. The day continues with outstanding educational sessions presented by two nationally renounced speakers Dr. Ron Heininger with NC State University and Kevin Matthews discussing field crops and how to generate increased yields.

Their sessions are titled Soybeans that Yield Like Corn – Starting Right and Finishing Strong and Amazing Corn Yields – Achieving the Impossible by Meeting Plant Needs. Thursday’s Expo schedule also includes the highly endorsed vegetable production classes led by Extension Specialist Tony Melton and a Women in Ag session. The Expo will provide many opportunities to connect with exhibitors and ag leaders.

Daily admission and parking to the AgriBiz and Farm Expo is FREE. The Taste of South Carolina tickets are available for $25 and Commissioner’s Breakfast tickets may be purchased for $35 each. For more information about the expo or to purchase tickets, visit

Author: mrollins

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