Parenting Partners meet at Cain

Participants in the Parenting Partners group at Cain Elementary School.
Several parents and school staff members met at J. L. Cain Elementary to form Cain’s first Parenting Partners Leadership Team on Friday, October 6. The purpose of Parenting Partners is to develop and help promote strong, positive family-school relationships. Participating parents worked in small groups sharing and discussing valuable parenting qualities. Each parent shared stories about their parenting style, teachable moments, strengths and areas that they wanted to improve in this year.
A series of parent leadership workshops will be held between October and February. All parents are invited to attend and take part in the leadership sessions. Workshop one focused on best practices in parent engagement, affirming strengths, creating a vision for college, parenting and leadership qualities, and parent roles in student achievement. Session two, “Creating Confident Kids” will be offered on Wednesday, October 25th at 9:30 a.m. in Cain’s Media Center.
In order to better serve our parents, Brunson-Dargan Elementary and Cain Elementary will team-up for workshop two. We invite everyone to come out and share their successes, practical tools, ideas and experiences with the group.