MLK Jr. service to be held

The public is invited to attend People to People of Hartsville’s Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Award Program. The theme is “Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -We Still Have a Dream”. 

The event will take place on Monday January 16, from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. in Historic Jerusalem Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 301 S. 6th Street, Hartsville. Keynote Speaker will be Mr. Michael Harriot, former native of Hartsvile Columnist and writer for the Grio and The Guardian. Live Entertainment will be provided by the Jerusalem Baptist Church Mens  Ensemble and Ms. Brenda Addison. A complimentary lunch will be prepared by The AKA’S of Hartsville. For more information, please call Ms. Barbara Carraway` 843-409-5241

Author: Stephan Drew

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