UPDATE: Local Weather Updates from City of Darlington and City of Hartsville
Darlington High School Varsity Football Game vs. Crestwood HS has been postponed to Monday, October 5 at 6 p.m.
National Honor Society Induction Monday night has been rescheduled to October 12th.
The Market on Darlington Square event on Saturday, October 3rd has been cancelled.
The Hartsville Tournament of Bands scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd has been canceled due to concerns over travel during inclement weather.
City of Darlington:
Weather reports indicate that we can expect 7-10 inches of rain in the next two days. Then, we will start to feel the effects of Hurricane Joaquin, which will mean more rain in addition to the potential for damaging winds on Sunday and through Monday.
The City of Darlington staff will be checking and clearing catch basins and storm drains today and tomorrow in preparation for these weather events. We still expect some roadways to flood. Do NOT drive through water that is crossing the road.
Please report issues you see to us as soon as possible.
Call 911 for emergencies.
Call 843-758-1127 for other issues and for after-hours issues with water and sewer services.
City of Hartsville:
City of Hartsville crews and emergency services are preparing for heavy rains, forecasted to amount to 12 inches or more, throughout the weekend of Oct. 2 – 4, and may close off some streets as needed in the case of temporary flooding.
Motorists and pedestrians should use caution and remain patient if encountering flooded or closed-off areas. Avoid driving through areas containing standing water and seek alternate routes when encountering barricades, which will be removed as soon as storm water is able to drain away. In preparation of high precipitation, Public Service crews have surveyed drains and ditches for obstructions and have lowered the levels of detention ponds.
Those in the City of Hartsville who need sand bags should contact the Fire Department at 843.383.3000.