LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thanks for the article
Dear Editor,
I was a not-so-famous baseball player in Darlington County back in the 60’s but, it was my passion. I enjoyed the article on Charles “Chino” Smith, who was an amazing baseball player from this area and I had never heard of him. I played in the organized league for schools, legion and the bush league between the communities in Darlington. A few of us played in the black leagues on Sunday especially around the Dovesville area. Baseball was still a segregated game in the 60’s but the blacks would let us play on their teams, if we were good enough. I loved baseball whenever I played but I can truly say, when we played in those Sunday games with the black teams, they were fun games full of enthusiastic support when we did something good and moans and groans when we didn’t do so good. I would like to donate to a memorial for Charles “Chino” Smith if you could share with us how to do so. If you have any more good sports stories about legends from our area, I would love to hear about them.
Boobie DeLorme
444 Clover Dr Lebanon IL 62254
EDITOR’S NOTE: If anyone has information on who to contact in order to donate to or support the Charles “Chino” Smith memorial, please contact the Darlington County News & Press so that we may publish that information and alert the public on who to contact. You may call us at 843-393-3811 or email us at editor@newsandpress.net