Welcome to our Christmas Porch! It’s been decorated all red and aqua with a retro vibe! If you’re new here, I’m Jane, and I’m so excited that you are here to visit with us on our front porch.
We live in a small country cottage that has a large screened-in front porch that I love to decorate for the seasons. Because we live in South Carolina, we are fortunate that we can use our porch for at least nine to ten months out of the year. It is the first place that we head out to early in the morning and it is frequently where we end our day, too.
Our dog Lucy joins me in giving you a great big welcome. Our pets enjoy the porch as much as we do. This is the sitting area where we have some real comfy chairs.
And on the other end of the porch we have an eating area. Most of the time here in South Carolina the weather is nice enough for us to eat outside on Christmas Eve when our whole family gathers here. When I decorate the front porch, I treat it like another room in the house because that’s how we use it.
This year I’ve decorated the porch in red and aqua and gave it a vintage vibe by putting the tree in an old wheelbarrow.
The whole color scheme was driven by these adorable vintage blue truck Christmas ornaments that I found back in August or September, I can’t remember which! It is a dream of ours to one day have a real vintage truck similar to this!
On the tree I used some red wooden bead garland that I bought at a friend’s garage sale a few years ago, but do you see the bubble lights??? Those are new but very retro looking, and I’m obsessed with them. They bring back a lot of memories of when we had bubble lights on our tree when I was young.
I just love the nostalgic glow that they give off at night! And since we have an abundance of pine cones in our yard, I painted some red and aqua and used them as ornaments on the tree. The tree itself got a little paint job, too. I really like those snowy looking flocked trees, but I don’t like the mess that a real flocked tree creates so I just dabbed some white paint on the branches! Voila!
More red bead garland and painted pine cones grace the area around the front door and adorn the lanterns.In one corner is an old ladder that was taken from the yard, given a new coat of aqua paint, and got decorated for Christmas. The peppermints that are in the watering can, on the table, and on top of the tree were painted and glittered by moi using some round wooden disks found at Hobby Lobby.
Some vintage Santa mugs are on the table along with some peppermint napkins and chair covers that I made. Now that I have a sewing machine, I enjoy whipping out some decorative items myself. Here is the (affiliate link) to the sewing machine that I have in case you want to put one on your wish list!
On each end of the porch I made some red and aqua Christmas bunting to hang.
It is so easy to make these, and I promise I’ll give you a tutorial on how to make the bunting, the napkins, and the chair covers soon.
More painted pine cones and a light strand strung with jingle bells and red ticking that I made several years ago. One of my secrets in decorating inexpensively is to just move things around, paint them, or use them in a different way each year.
Speaking of painting things, this wooden bench has been on our back deck for a year or so, but we moved it to the front porch and I painted it to match the wheelbarrow.
The reproduction feather tree that usually resides in our kitchen got spruced up with some painted vintage bulbs.
I love to make old things new again, and you can see how I turned the bulbs into ornaments a little better in this photo.
More vintage Santa mugs along with a pine cone tree rest on an old scale.
I put out my vintage plaid thermos set just in case it gets cold enough for some hot chocolate sippin’ on our Christmas porch.
A retro looking wall hanging with a red ticking background found on Amazon fits in one corner.
And an aqua and red wooden snowflake ornament tops a real evergreen tree.
The dancing frogs that are on our porch year round put on their Santa hats for Christmas!
Instead of a wreath, Leo and I made this vintage truck door decoration to complete our retro Christmas porch.
I hope you’ve enjoyed your tour of our festive front porch, and I hope you’ve gotten a few ideas to use in your own decorating. Looking for even more porch decorating ideas?
See more from Jane Windham at Cottageatthecrossroads.com.