Hartsville High School holds Homecoming

(ABOVE): Hartsville Homecoming High School Court. Friday, October 22nd, Hartsville High School held their 2021 Homecoming ceremony during halftime of the Hartsville-Wilson football game in Hartsville. The winners for the Freshman class to Junior class was Isabella Tejeda for Miss Freshman, DaMarion Coe as Mr. Freshman, Ava Broach as Miss Sophomore, Mr. Sophomore was Enrique Alvarez, Sarah Elizabeth Moody won Miss Junior, and Mr. Junior was presented to Rydder Jacobs. (BELOW):The Homecoming King and Queen was awarded to Mr Zy’Kee Knox and Miss Logan Thomas . The others in the Hartsville Homecoming High School court were Bonnie Adams, Jordan Cothran, Kayla Easterling, ShaDiamond Goodson, Yadira Hernandez-Flores, Anna Grace Lawhon, Allison Mays, Jordan Patterson, Jakayla Pendergrass, Alyssa Poston, Gabrielle Wingate, Joseph Dixon, Walter Hammond, Ethan Jeppson, Kody Morongell, Mason Mulligan, Kevin Santana, Hardy Smothers, and Gavin Watford. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS