Hartsville approves $10 million for water park and system upgrades

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer, slyles@newsandpress.net

Hartsville City Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 10 and voted to approve the issuance of up to $10 million in bonds, which will finance the design and construction a new water park in Byerly Park.

Council held a public hearing and unanimously approved final reading of two related items – Ordinances 4307 and 4308 – which will provide for the issuance of up to $10 million in revenue bonds to pay for the expansion of the Piratesville Splash Pad into a full water park, cover necessary city water system improvements, and consolidate the water/sewer system with the new water park enterprise.

Also on the agenda, Council approved final reading of Ordinance 4306, renewing the Hartsville Rescue Squad’s annual lease of property located at Marlboro Avenue and Second Street. The rescue squad has leased this property for many years and expressed a desire to renew the lease, which charges only $1 and requires the tenant to maintain the property.

First reading for Ordinance 4309 was approved. This measure would lease the property at 231 W Carolina Ave to Kisha Carraway and D/B/A Dancing Diamondz for 2 years at $300 per month.

Ordinance 4310 received first reading approval. This measure would authorize the city to purchase property at 317 and 323 South 4th Street from Ricky L. Dixon for $140,000. This purchase would allow for further development of the Fourth Street Corridor.

Council also approved Resolution 10-17-01, clearing the city to sell its leaf truck in order to purchase a street sweeper or a similar public works vehicle.

After an executive session, Council voted unanimously to renew the employment contract of city manager Natalie Zeigler for another year.


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