Duke Energy nuclear plants deliver strong performance in 2017
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Duke Energy’s 11 nuclear generating units posted strong operating performance in 2017, providing the Carolinas with nearly 90 billion kilowatt-hours of carbon-free electricity – enough to power more than 7 million homes.
“Much of our 2017 success is due to our focus on safety and work efficiencies identified by our nuclear employees, along with ongoing emphasis on planning and executing refueling outages to increase our fleet’s availability for producing electricity,” said Preston Gillespie, Duke Energy chief nuclear officer.
Some of the nuclear fleet’s 2017 accomplishments include:
• The 11 units achieved a combined capacity factor of 95.64 percent, second only to the fleet’s 2016 record of 95.72 percent, marking the 19th consecutive year of attaining a 90-plus percent capacity factor (a measure of reliability).
• The two units at Catawba Nuclear Station produced more than 19 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, and the single unit at Harris Nuclear Plant generated more than 8 billion kilowatt-hours, both setting 12-month records.
• Brunswick Nuclear Plant unit 2 achieved a record operating run.
• Both McGuire Nuclear Station units completed their shortest refueling outages ever and unit 1 recorded its longest operating run.
• Oconee Nuclear Station unit 2 achieved a fleet record operating run.
• The Robinson Nuclear Plant team completed the station’s 30th refueling outage, which included a main generator stator replacement, well ahead of schedule.
“Our nuclear employees are committed to providing reliable, clean electricity every day for our Carolinas customers,” added Gillespie. “We are very proud of our team’s 2017 accomplishments and continue to look for additional opportunities to further enhance operations.”
Duke Energy’s nuclear fleet (Plant Location, Capacity, Commercial date)
Brunswick Brunswick County, N.C. 1,870 MW 1975
Catawba York County, S.C. 2,310 MW 1985
Harris Wake County, N.C. 928 MW 1987
McGuire Mecklenburg County, N.C. 2,316 MW 1981
Oconee Oconee County, S.C. 2,554 MW 1973
Robinson Darlington County, S.C. 741 MW 1971
Duke Energy
Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is one of the largest energy holding companies in the United States. Its Electric Utilities and Infrastructure business unit serves approximately 7.5 million customers located in six states in the Southeast and Midwest. The company’s Gas Utilities and Infrastructure business unit distributes natural gas to approximately 1.6 million customers in the Carolinas, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Its Commercial Renewables business unit operates a growing renewable energy portfolio across the United States.
Duke Energy is a Fortune 125 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com.