DCIS students get behind-the-scenes look at Walmart

Students from DCIS gather outside Walmart of Darlington for a photo with Kevin Lane, store manager, and Dr. Zenobia Edwards, director of DCIS. The students visited Walmart as part of an educational workshop.

Students at the Darlington County Intervention School (DCIS) got to chance to go on a behind-the-scenes trip to Walmart recently.

Dr. Zenobia Edwards, director of DCIS, said the school took a group of students to the store as an educational experience.

“The students got a chance to see how the company works, what the manager looks for in employees and some of the associated benefits of being a
Walmart employee,” Edwards said.

Kevin Lane, store manager for the Darlington Walmart, led the student workshop before giving the students a storewide tour. The group met with departmental managers and explored how the business operates.

The experience aligned with goals at DCIS to provide students with real-world experiences and skills necessary to obtain employment or continue education after high school.

After the trip, she said several students submitted applications for employment.

Students from DCIS tour Walmart of Darlington with Kevin Lane, store manager.


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