Darlington Rec goes all Little League for 2018

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer, slyles@newsandpress.net

Darlington County Recreation held a press conference on Wednesday, February 21 to announce that beginning this season, all baseball and softball programs for kids aged 3 to 18 years will operate under the Little League.

“We’re here today to announce what we think is a great thing for Darlington,” said Lee Andrews, director of Darlington County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. “We are playing baseball and softball as Little League this year.”

Andrews quoted Socrates on the wisdom of “not fighting the old, but on building the new.”

Historically, Darlington has had two separate leagues – Dixie Youth and Little League – which were largely split along racial lines, with white children mostly playing Dixie Youth baseball and softball and African American kids playing Little League.

“We want to celebrate the fact that we have a rich history of baseball and softball here in Darlington, and we certainly do not want to fight over which league is better. With the looming acquisition of land to build one baseball/softball complex, it only makes sense to bring everyone together under one umbrella,” said Andrews. “Playing in one league will add continuity and familiarity to players, fans, and coaches as our kids grow and mature from Rec League to school ball.”

Andrews said that Dixie Youth has provided great sports opportunities and learning experiences, and he wished them the best of luck. Further, he thanked representatives from both leagues for coming together for the best interest of baseball and softball, and for the children who don’t care about racial politics but simply want to play the games they love.

“I know there are some very strong feelings on both sides, but hopefully we can come together and do what’s best for our children in Darlington,” said Andrews, alluding to a number of negative social media posts condemning the unification.
Reese Anderson, president of Dixie Youth, agreed that unifying the programs is a good move.

“I think it’s wonderful. We need to come together as a group and put all our talent together in Darlington so we can go even further than we’ve been in the past,” said Anderson. “Unfortunately, right now, you’ve got some people who are more for themselves than the kids, but I think in the long run, enrollment will be bigger.”

Anderson observed that many of the racial conflicts parents cite as reasons to oppose the merger are adult opinions, which their children often do not share.

“Those same kids that we’re bickering and arguing about, if you’d just leave them alone and watch them – they go to school together, they play together, they spend the night at each other’s house. They could care less as long as they’re playing baseball,” said Anderson. “If the parents would just get out of it and let the kids play, we’ll be okay.”

“Kids will fight today and be friends tomorrow. Adults will fight today and be mad ten years from now,” added Jennifer Dixon Hooks, president of Darlington Little League. “Please, just let this anger go and let us work this program together. When we get the program up and running right, I think we will mesh well together.”

Dixon Hooks said she is excited about the boards and coaching staffs of both leagues working together, combining their knowledge and experience for the benefit of young athletes.

All Darlington Recreation Little League baseball and softball games this season will be played at the Blue Street Complex until the new facility is completed.

Registration cost for baseball and softball programs is $35 per child ($25 per additional child from the same household), and sign-up ends March 1. You can register I person at 300 Sanders Street in Darlington. Call 843-398-4700 for more information.


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