Darlington honors Veterans during annual ceremony
The annual Veterans Day ceremony held on North Main Street at the Darlington Veterans Memorial drew crowds of veterans, their families and friends, and many citizens who came to show appreciation for the men and women who serve in our nation’s military.
Guest speaker Robert “Bob” Scherer, former South Carolina Department Commander of the American Legion was the guest speaker. His remarks centered on the enduring obligations – for medical and psychological care, rehabilitation, employment, and basic respect – our nation owes to those military veterans who protect our cherished freedoms.
The ceremony also featured remarks from Grady Weaver, Commander of American Legion Post 13, and the presentation of colors by the Darlington High School JROTC. Veterans in attendance stood and received applause as the service themes of each military branch were played, and their flags were hoisted over the monuments of the Veterans Memorial.
View more photos from the ceremony at: https://newsandpress.smugmug.com/Darlington-Veterans-Day-2017