Darlington High Board Scholars and Honor Graduates
The News and Press sat down with some of the top graduating seniors in Darlington County to talk about their plans for college and their career. Not all students were available.
Jonathan Bryant
School: University of South Carolina
Major: Risk Management Insurance
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Enjoy high school. It goes too fast.
Favorite Memory of High School: Playing tennis
Joshua Byram
School: North Greenville
Major: Marketing
Might be interested in Sports Marketing
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Get involved early because you’ll make more memories that way.
Favorite Memory of High School: Student sections
Matthew Demaurice
School: Clemson University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Listen for keywords.
If you remember the keywords you’ll remember everything.
Favorite Memory of High School: Playing baseball
Andrea Goodson
School: University of South Carolina-Columbia
Major: Public Health
Wants to be a pediatrician
Advice for Incoming Freshman: High school is a lot just try to be mentally prepared for all of the obstacles you will face. You will overcome them.
Favorite Memory of High School: Meeting everyone at DHS and spending time with them. I moved here in 9th grade and I’ve been so honored to meet these awesome classmates of mine.
Katherine Hudson
School: Coker College
Major: Psychology
Wants to help kids who have been abused
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Don’t take everything so seriously. Have as much fun as you can.
Favorite Memory of High School: Helping with the yearbook
Johnny James
School: Francis Marion University
Major: Supply Chain Management with a minor in Finance
Wants to be an entrepreneur
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Stay determined and focused. Don’t let anything get you down.
Favorite Memory of High School: Spending time with my college graduates.
Jacob Jones
School: University of South Carolina
Major: Civil Engineering
Would like to work at Florence Concrete Products
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Do your homework and study.
Favorite Memory of High School: Playing baseball
Benjamin Jordan
School: Clemson
Major: Civil Engineering
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Give it your all.
Favorite Memory of High School: Playing tennis
Kyra March
School: Harvard
Major: African American Studies/Women’s Studies
Wants to become a college professor
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Every year counts so don’t think that freshman year is a time to slack off.
Favorite Memory of High School: Senior Field Day. We all went on the football field and had a water fight. It was fun; everybody just came together.
Kendrell Parker
School: University of South Carolina-Columbia
Major: Early Childhood Education
My teachers inspired me to be a teacher because they showed me how teachers can influence others.
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Don’t limit yourself. Put yourself in a position to be successful regardless of what others think of you.
Favorite Memory of High School: Singing in the Phoenix Phame Choir at Mayo
Shayla Samuel
School: University of South Carolina-Upstate
Major: Biology/Pre-Med
Wants to be a pediatrician
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Stop procrastinating early and start looking for scholarships for college
Favorite Memory of High School: Field Day because that is when the whole school comes together
Joshua Ward
School: Clemson University
Major: Graphic Communications
Wants to work as a Graphic
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Involved in all the school clubs. It helps you get in to college.
Favorite Memory of High School: student sections
Matthew Watford
School: Clemson University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Put in the work now, it definitely pays off.
Favorite Memory of High School: Student sections at the sporting events
Avery Williamson
School: Francis Marion University (he will be playing
Major: Nursing
Wants to become a nurse
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Stay focused.
Favorite Memory of High School: Playing tennis
Board of Education
o Jonathan Bryant
o Joshua Byram
o Matthew DeMaurice
o Andrea Goodson
o Johnny James
o Kyra March
o Kendrell Parker
o Zachary Sandifer
o Joshua Ward
o Matthew Watford
Honor Graduates
o Katherine Hudson
o Jacob Jones
o Benjamin Jordan
o Shayla Samuel
o Avery Williamson