Crime statistics for Darlington

City of Darlington Chief Badge

City of Darlington Chief of Police Danny Watson shared the following statistics for the rate of crime in Darlington:

Of the 11 specific crimes most often looked at, 10 out of 11 are down, or significantly down. Car theft remains the only crime that has risen in 2015, in comparison to last year’s numbers.

Overall, these numbers are nothing less than outstanding news of our overall crime picture. The continued dedication of our patrol officers, criminal investigators and concerned citizens have significantly helped us to continue to reduce crime in our city.

There is little chance of a month or year without crime- however, we will continue to do all that we can to reduce it as much as is possible. Our goal is as it always has been, and that is to continue to make Darlington a safe place to live, work and visit.

Where we are at according to current crime statistics for the year:

Homicide  2014: 1  2015: 0   % is Down

Rape  2014: 3  2015: 0  % is Down

Robbery 2014: 6  2015: 3  % is Down

Burglary 2014: 36  2015: 24  % is Down

Vehicle Theft  2014: 8  2015: 12  % is Up

Larceny  2014: 156  2015: 119  % is Down

Resisting Arrest  2014: 10  2015: 4  % is Down

Theft FM Vehicle  2014: 72  2015: 21  % is Down

Arson  2014: 2  2015: 0  % is Down

Aggravated Assault  2014: 24  2015: 21  % is Down

Simple Assault  2014: 113  2015: 95  % is Down

Author: Jana Pye

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