City grants committee to meet August 15
The first meeting of the City of Darlington Grants Committee will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, August 15, at City Hall, 400 Pearl St., Darlington. This will be an organizational meeting to set deadlines for applications for future funding. Meetings of the Grants Committee will be open to the public, and all decisions made by the Committee will be recommendations that Darlington City Council may accept or reject, in whole or part.
During the regular Darlington City Council meeting on July 12, Council established a Grants Committee to make recommendations on how to spend a portion of City funds to include Community Promotions and Hospitality Tax Revenue. Each year, Darlington City Council will decide how much money is available for the use through this grants program.
On August 2, Darlington City Council nominated the following individuals to serve on the Grants Committee:
Mr. Rujon Williams, nominated by Mayor Boyd,
Mr. Mike Sprott, nominated by Mayor Pro Tem Mr. Segars,
Ms. Gloria Hines, nominated by Ms. Baccus,
Dr. Andy Cohen, nominated by Mr. Gardner,
Ms. Florie Cavanaugh, nominated by Mr. Nettles,
Mr. Dean Sigmon, nominated by Mr. Milling, and
Mr. James Cooper III, nominated by Ms. Reed.
Organizations receiving Hospitality Tax Revenue funds are required to use those dollars in accordance with SC Code ยง 6-1-730 (2012) .