Ardis new president and CEO of Santee Electric Cooperative

Santee Electric Cooperative’s board of trustees announces the hiring of Rob Ardis, of Florence, South Carolina, as the new president and CEO. Ardis will replace Santee Electric CEO Floyd L. Keels and begins Aug. 1, 2015.

“After a comprehensive, nationwide search, the Board selected Rob from a pool of highly qualified candidates,” said Don E. Coker, chairman of the board of trustees. “We look forward to helping him build on the success of the cooperative over its past 75 years.”


Ardis comes to Santee Electric after serving 10 years as chief operating officer at Pee Dee Electric Cooperative in Darlington, South Carolina. A Georgetown County native, Ardis is a licensed professional engineer. He graduated summa cum laude from Francis Marion University with a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics. Ardis also graduated summa cum laude from The University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

“My excitement about the job ahead is beyond words,” Ardis said. “Returning to the area where I grew up, and the chance to lead Santee Electric is the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Ardis assumes the top position at Santee Electric after Keels retirement from the cooperative July 31 after 17 years of service.

“There is no finer person in our industry than Mr. Keels,” said Ardis. “I have tremendous respect for him personally and professionally. I am honored and humbled to succeed him after his many years of distinguished service.”

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association conducted the nationwide search to replace Keels after he notified the board of directors of his retirement effective July 31.

“With Rob’s background and experience, the Board is sure he possesses the skills to navigate the challenges and opportunities the electric industry will face in the future,” said Coker. “Under his leadership, Santee Electric will continue working hard to provide our members with the most reliable power at the most affordable cost.”
Santee Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, serves more than 43,000 consumers in Clarendon, Florence, Georgetown and Williamsburg counties in South Carolina.


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