Annual Turkey Giveaway held

On Tuesday, November 22nd, a large crowd gathered on the Public Square in Darlington for the Annual Turkey Giveaway. PICTURED HERE: Dr. Eads (center) and the rest of the volunteers who were involved in handing out the free turkeys and other food items to those in need for the holiday. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

During the Annual Turkey Giveaway on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, large bags of food items were also given away, in addition to the turkeys. PICTURED HERE (left to right): Chanel Robinson Muldrow and S.C. (District 31) Representative Mike Reichenbach help pack bags to distribute to the large crowd gathered for the event. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

Volunteers braved the cold morning temps on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd , and distributed hundreds of turkeys and bags of food items to those gathered on the Public Square in Darlington. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

Danielle Eads (center) helps distribute food bags to the crowd. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

Volunteers unloading the 18-wheeler with canned goods, drinks and frozen turkeys. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

City of Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd (center) helps unpack frozen turkeys from the 18-wheeler. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

Author: Stephan Drew

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