Local churches partner to host Hope For Life event

This month, Pee Dee area residents will have an opportunity to hear encouraging messages about “HOPE FOR (a better) LIFE”. The three-day event will be held at the Florence Civic Center, beginning at 7 p.m. Oct. 17–19,and is co-hosted by eight different regional congregations of the Churches of Christ. Steve Ridgell, director of the HOPE FOR LIFE ministry from Abilene, TX will be the featured speaker.

Each evening’s lesson will highlight the hope for a better life that’s possible through faith in Jesus.
Attendance is free, but seating is limited. Registration can be done online at greggavechurchofchrist.com. For more information, call 843-496-0509.

Ridgell is an effective storyteller, recounting scriptural incidents from Jesus’ life with relevant application for folks in an increasingly troubled world. The hour-long nightly experience will re-examine how Jesus interacted with all kinds of people in healing, helpful and hopeful ways.

“Demons, Pigs, Jesus and You” is the curious title of Wednesday evening, Oct. 18’s talk; Ridgell will address the all-too-common feeling of “my life is so messed up” and powerfully demonstrate how change is possible when a person genuinely experiences the love of Christ.

The concluding Thursday night, Oct. 19’s message, “I Just Don’t Get It” will confront widespread confusion about unfamiliar religious jargon, worship practices and Bible teaching.

Author: mrollins

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