Little League snacking scores big

It isn’t until you have a child in Little League that you realize what a rite of passage it is for children and parents alike. Make no mistake; you will spend endless hours lobbing baseballs, correcting batting stances, fielding hits (occasionally taking one in the arm or leg), and holding your breath as your child gets into position under a pop-up, praying that it will somehow, miraculously land in their mitt.

Oh, for the love of baseball! The thrill comes when you see your child smile and throw an arm around a teammate, raptly listen to “Coach,” and, yes, certainly when your little slugger makes a good play. When it’s your turn to provide the team snack, you’ll score big with popcorn. Popcorn is easy to make, costs pennies per serving, and you can bring it along in a portable container with reusable or recyclable cups. Your hungry hitters will love digging into this classic ballpark treat and you’ll feel good serving wholesome, whole grain popcorn.

Enjoy this ballpark inspired recipes courtesy of the Popcorn Board (

Ballpark Popcorn Crunch
Yield: 3 quarts

• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup brown sugar
• 3 quarts unsalted popped popcorn
• 1 cup chopped walnuts

1. Cream together butter and brown sugar till light and fluffy.
2. In a separate bowl, toss popcorn and walnuts.
3. Add creamed mixture to popcorn and nuts. Combine until coated.
4. Spread on a large baking sheet in a single layer.
5. Bake at 350-degree oven for 10 minutes or until crisp

Author: mrollins

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