Darlington County School District hosts Digital Transformation Conference

Hundreds of Darlington County School District (DCSD) educators will continue expanding their digital tool portfolios Oct. 21 during the third annual DCSD Digital Transformation Conference at Darlington Middle School. The conference will take place from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The conference, led by DCSD’s Technology Department, will feature dozens of expert-led sessions focused on transformative technology that helps create a better future for the world today. Educators from other school districts are also invited to attend the exciting event. Director of Technology Diane Sigmon said the event will continue to build on the district’s digital transformation momentum.

“The third annual Darlington County School District Digital Transformation Conference promises to be another exciting day,” Sigmon said. “So many awesome things are happening in our school district, and we are excited to share. Participants will have opportunities to network with each other, experience specific applications of technology in the classroom, and grow in confidence to incorporate these engaging and empowering in their learning spaces. Also, everyone can follow along with the hashtag #DCSDTransforms.”

Conference session topics will include classroom management software, device tips and tricks, flipped and blended learning, formative assessment tools, learning management systems, professional networking, digital portfolios, and more. The event aligns with the district’s Digital Transformation Project, a three-year initiative that will put a personal computing device in the hands of every student this year. The Darlington County Board of Education voted unanimously in 2016 to provide $2.6 million annually to fund technology in the classroom.
Darlington Middle School is located at 150 Pinedale Drive in Darlington.

For more information, please contact the DCSD Office of Communications at 843-398-2284 and visit www.darlington.k12.sc.us/departments/technology/d_c_s_d_digital_transformation_conference.

Author: mrollins

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