Clemson Extension website recognized

COLUMBIA — Clemson University Cooperative Extension’s website was named to the 2017 South Carolina State Library’s Notable State Documents list.

The award recognizes state and governmental publications of outstanding merit and usefulness to the citizens of South Carolina. The documents are chosen by a panel of librarians and state employees for their designs, writing styles and breadth of information.

“Clemson Extension’s mission is to impart unbiased, research-based information to the citizens of South Carolina,” said Thomas Dobbins, director of Clemson Extension. “A robust, usable, informative web presence, along with agent-client interactions and the many educational programs we offer, help us fulfill our mission effectively and efficiently. I am proud of our website and the team of communications professionals who design and maintain it.”

The Clemson Extension website ( features information on Extension programs, county offices and events. The website also contains publications on emergency preparedness, horticulture, food and nutrition, and many other subjects written and edited by Extension agents and other subject matter experts.

“Our goal is to extend the resources of Clemson University beyond campus to the citizens of South Carolina. Our communications web team is dedicated to making sure Clemson Extension’s web presence is usable, technologically current and accessible to all South Carolinians,” said Jonathan Veit, communications director for Clemson Public Service and Agriculture.

Clemson Extension will launch a redesign of its popular Home and Garden Information Center in April.

Author: mrollins

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