What can you do for free at the Library?
By Jimmie Epling
Darlington County Library System
When you think of what you can borrow, get, do, or use for free at the Darlington County Library System, what comes to mind? Books, DVDs, and computers? Right. Good start. What else? Magazines, e-books, children’s programs, and maybe a few more things come to mind. What if I told you the Library offers 100 things you can borrow, get, do, or use for free in the Library or through our website www.darlington-lib.org? Don’t believe me?
OK…here’s the first 30 on the list of 100!
1. A Library Card – the “Smartest Card”
2. Relax in a welcoming atmosphere at all of our four locations, Darlington, Hartsville, Lamar, and Society Hill
3. Introduce a child to new worlds through reading
4. Prepare your preschooler for success in school by attending children’s programming
5. Find a best seller to check out
6. Catch up on local current events through our hometown newspapers
7. Check out the latest DVD
8. Chat with friends
9. Read the latest issue of your favorite magazine and check out back issues
10. Learn about Darlington County’s history in the South Carolina Room
11. Trace your family tree with Ancestry.com and in the South Carolina Room
12. Get help answering your questions with the ultimate search engine – a librarian
13. Use the Wi-Fi or a public computer
14. Reference books and databases to complete homework
15. Sunday hours, 2-5 p.m., at the Darlington and Hartsville locations
16. Volunteer to help with children’s programs, especially the Summer Reading Program
17. Bring your preschooler to story time and meet other parents
18. Wiggle and giggle with your child at story time
19. Get picture books for storytelling at home
20. Hear an author speak about his or her latest book
21. Entertainment for you and your family
22. Request an item from other libraries and pick it up at your branch
23. Drop off an item from another branch to be returned
24. Check out books in large print for easier reading
25. See local artwork on display
26. A spacious public park at the Lamar Branch
27. Access your e-mail to stay in touch with the world
28. Search for a job, write and submit a resume, or complete a job application online
29. File for government benefits online
30. Check out an audio book for that long drive you are planning.