Thank you, readers

By Jana E. Pye, Editor,

As you celebrate your Thanksgiving dinner with your families, please know that we at the News & Press add you to our list of people to give thanks.

Thank you for supporting your local, independent newspaper!

By doing so, you allow the only news source in the Pee Dee that is owned by a Darlington family to continue to bring you the news, shared by a staff of employees that all live in Darlington.

In the past year, we have continued to share the news from the monthly meetings of the Darlington County Council, Darlington Couty School Disrict, City of Darlington and CIty of Hartsville Council, Town of Lamar and Town of Society Hill Council; our weekly delightful column by our beloved Bill Shepard; the wonderful Church of the Week installments from our friend Bill Segars; the informational Darlington County Library System column from Jimmie Epling; sports and school events; and stories and photographs from our friends and neighbors from the home we love, Darlington County.

We have spread our wings this year and revamped our website to allow readers – some new, some we’ve brought along with us – to see the news in a new way. Personally, I love sharing in this medium because it allows me more freedom to share color photographs, and video.

Some may ask, “Why does the paper look thin from time to time?”

And, online, “Why do we have to pay to see things?”

Well, to be honest, that is due to simple mathematics. We are a small business, and our staff receives wages, me included! Also, we must pay to print the paper, and to keep up the website and maintain a working office. In order to do that, we rely on subscribers, and our advertisers. I could write a column dedicated to thanking our advertisers! By supporting us, they, and you, our readers, allow us to have pages to share information with you each week. To them, and to you, I say…thank you.


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