Special Olympics at DHS

Photo by Samantha Lyles

Photo by Samantha Lyles

Let me win.
But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

With this motto in their hearts, dozens of athletes from the Pee Dee came to Darlington High School on April 20 to compete in the 2016 Special Olympics Spring Games. Under sunny blue skies, they spent the day racing and jumping, throwing and dancing, and generally having a ball at the DHS Falcons stadium. This is the fourth year DHS has hosted the games and event organizer Laura Driggers said the venue, with grassy areas for games and a certified track and field set-up, is a perfect fit.

Photo by Samantha Lyles

Photo by Samantha Lyles

“Darlington High has been wonderful to work with; they have always been all in. The facilities and the people have been awesome,” said Driggers.

Driggers offered special thanks to all the students buddies and volunteer groups who escorted the athletes, and big thanks to all the sponsors – like Ruiz Foods, who fed everyone a great lunch – for their generosity and commitment to make the Special Olympics a truly special day for everyone involved.

Photos by Samantha Lyles Mobile users, please click link to view photo gallery: Special Olympics 2016

Author: Jana Pye

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