Severed gas line shuts down E. McIver Road

A section of McIver Road in Darlington County was shut down Tuesday morning after an eighteen wheeler crashed into a utility pole and severed a gas line. The crash occurred on a residential stretch of road between the old Wellman Plant and the Beaver Creek Country Club.

Chief Pat Cavanaugh of the Darlington Fire Department said his crew had been on scene since approximately 10 a.m., and when they arrived the truck driver had already been taken for medical treatment.

Firefighters from DFD, Darlington County Fire District, and Palmetto Rural Fire District worked to extinguish the truck fire and control the gas flame while crews from SCE&G dug down to the severed six-inch service line to install a valve and cut the flow of gas.

Cavanaugh said that despite the severity of the truck crash, the damage could have been worse: if the line had been severed in a more pressurized spot, it’s possible that an explosion could have occurred.

Author: mrollins

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