S.C. Department of Education releases end-of-course test results; Darlington County School District continues gains

The S.C. Department of Education released (Monday, Nov. 9) the results from 2015 end-of-course examinations. Students in Darlington County School District (DCSD) continued trending gains in every subject area and scored on par with state averages.

Students took end-of-course exams in four subject areas: Algebra 1/Mathematics for the Technologies 2, Biology 1/Applied Biology 2, English 1, U.S. History and the Constitution.

· The 2015 DCSD average in Algebra 1/Mathematics for the Technologies 2 was 80.6, and the state average was 82.6.

· The 2015 DCSD average in Biology 1/Applied Biology 2 was 79.5, and the state average was 82.3.

· The 2015 DCSD average in English 1 was 77.1, and the state average was 79.4.

· The 2015 DCSD average in U.S. History and the Constitution was 75.5, and the state average was 76.1.

Trends since 2010 and 2011
DCSD end-of-course results have generally trended upward similarly or more rapidly than state gains. The Biology 1/Applied Biology 2 end-of-course exam was not given in 2010, but the trend is the same since in 2011.

DCSD gained 3.2 points on the average Algebra 1/Mathematics for the Technologies 2 score, compared to the state gain of 2.6 points. DCSD gained 5.7 points on the average Biology 1/Applied Biology 2 score, compared to the state gain of 4.7 points.

The average statewide score on the English 1 end-of-course exam increased 2.5 points, and the DCSD average increased 1.7 points. On the U.S. History and the Constitution end-of-course exam, the statewide average increased 6.3 points, edging out the DCSD gain of 6.1 points.

Author: Jana Pye

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