Local Girl Scouts celebrate achievements and milestones
On Saturday, July 29, 2017, members of Troop 423 had their Awards, Bridging, and Scholarship Ceremony. The purpose of the ceremony was to recognize achievements by the members during the current membership year and throughout their tenure in Girl Scouting. During the event, members received patches, certificates, pins, and scholarship checks. Additionally, girls bridged from one level of Girl Scouting to another based on grade level. The ceremony was followed by a reception.
Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina offer two Council-sponsored product sale activities each year. Girls can use money generated from these product sales to go on trips, attend movies, ballets, and other outings, and contribute toward community service projects. The top three salespeople for fall product sale were Ashia Hodges, Jada Bailey, and Cierra Parnell. The top salespeople for the cookie sale were Jada Bailey, Cierra Parnell, Shania Taylor, and Maliyah Taylor.
Troop 423 participated in several community service projects during the 2016-2017 membership year. Girls also received recognition for participation in these community service projects. In October, girls participated in Breast Cancer Awareness activities which included preparation of chemo care kits which were donated to McLeod hospital, preparation of breast cancer awareness pins, and participation in the Juliette Gordon Low Breast Cancer Awareness walk. The next community service project was preparation of military care boxes and cards. Girls also donated non-perishable food items to the Old People’s Christmas food drive. The year ended with donation of clothes to Goodwill and Salvation Army.
Girls recognized for participation in community service projects were Jada Bailey, Tierra Bivens, Jaila Davis, Jara Davis, Ashia Hodges, Kassie McDowell, Jamison Mingo, Cierra Parnell, Maliyah Taylor, Shania Taylor, Tamia Willoughby, and Tianna Willoughby.
Patches were also distributed for participation in activities during the year. Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts had very diverse interests and encouraged the girls who became Girl Scouts to participate in a wide range of activities including fine arts, sports, animals, leadership, fashion, and more. Consequently, girls participated in a wide range of activities, which included attending the ballet, a fashion show, Thinking Day, ice skating, and a movie.
Girls were also recognized for their academic performance and participating in the arts. Recognized for academics were Jada Bailey, Jaila Davis, Jara Davis, Kassie McDowell, Jamison Mingo, Cierra Parnell, Maliyah Taylor, Shania Taylor, Tamia Willoughby, and Tianna Willoughby. Recognized for participation in the arts were Jada Bailey, Tierra Bivens, Jaila Davis, Ashia Hodges, Kassie McDowell, Jamison Mingo, Cierra Parnell, Maliyah Taylor, Shania Taylor, Tamia Willoughby, and Tianna Willoughby.
Many activities within Girl Scouting are completed as a troop, but other recognitions are because of individual accomplishments. Jara Davis earned a patch for learning Sign Language and Shania Taylor earned a patch for completion of JROTC IV.
The bridging ceremony involved girls bridging from Junior to Cadette, Cadette to Senior, Senior to Ambassador, and Ambassador to Adult Girl Scouts. Bridging from Junior to Cadette were Jara Davis, Kassie McDowell, and Tianna Willoughby. Bridging from Cadette to Senior was Tierra Bivens. Bridging from Senior to Ambassador was Jaila Davis, Ashia Hodges, and Maliyah Taylor. Bridging to adulthood were Jada Bailey, Jamison Mingo, Cierra Parnell, and Shania Taylor. The girls bridging to adulthood received a bridge to adult pin from their moms, as they were welcomed to adult Girl Scouting.
The finale of the ceremony was the awarding of numeral pins for years of membership and scholarships. Three girls received pins for 10+ years of membership in Girl Scouting-Cierra Parnell (10 years), Shania Taylor (11 years), and Jamison Mingo (13 years). The four graduating seniors each also received a $500 scholarship – Jada Bailey (Lander University), Jamison Mingo (Fort Valley State University), Cierra Parnell (University of South Carolina via Midlands Technical College Bridge program), and Shania Taylor (Benedict College). This ceremony was an excellent reminder that opportunities are available to make lasting friendships, build skills, and impact your community. Girls in grades 5K-12 may join.
If you are interested in registering a young lady to join or in becoming a volunteer, contact the Girl Scout office at 843-669-5174.